Leveling the Playing Field: International Women’s Day 2019

Leveling the Playing Field: International Women’s Day 2019

Despite what many companies may say about their commitment to gender diversity, did you know that only half of employees think that their organization sees it as a priority?

On Friday, March 8th, the teams at Butler/Till came together to celebrate International Women’s Day. As both a women-owned company and one with roots from Rochester, NY— the location of one of the first Women’s Rights Conventions in history as well as Susan B. Anthony’s hometown – the holiday is especially close to our hearts. We discussed important facts about gender diversity and workplace bias, including suggestions on how to close the gap. Employees also made personal pledges for a #BalanceforBetter to continue our efforts beyond International Women’s Day.

More than 20 years ago, Butler/Till was founded by two dynamic and visionary women leaders, Sue Butler and Tracy Till. Today, the company still maintains our women-owned status with more than 70% of our business owned, controlled, operated, and managed by women. In 2018 we were named one of the 50 fastest-growing women-owned/led companies by the Women’s President’s Organization (WPO).

International Women’s Day celebrates all women and the great men that support them. We are honored to be one of the companies making a difference today to help create a better future of business.

To learn more about International Women’s Day, please click here.

Download our International Women’s Day infographic.

Source: Women In The Workplace 2018 Report by LeanIn.org and McKinsey & Company.

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