Authentic Influencers Help Awareness Efforts Surpass Benchmarks

Authentic Influencers Help Awareness Efforts Surpass Benchmarks

One in four pregnant women are induced yet many moms-to-be know little about this process. Butler/Till Health was tasked with educating women so they have a stronger voice in their birthing options and with encouraging them to choose our client’s product, the only FDA-approved medication used to dilate the cervix and begin the induction process.

By using both a branded and unbranded approach, Butler/Till Health tapped authentic influencers to share their experiences with induction while encouraging the community to share their own stories. Read more about the results of this campaign in the case study below.


Even though one in four pregnant women will be induced as they begin the labor and delivery process, many women approach their delivery due dates not knowing much about this fairly common process. While our client is the only FDA-approved medication that can be used to dilate a women’s cervix as the first step in this process, our client’s challenge was that HCPs were primarily choosing another off-label induction medication. Butler/Till Health’s task was to drive up patient requests for our client’s induction medication in order to drive sales and to give more moms-to-be a stronger and more educated voice in their birthing journey decisions.


Butler/Till Health executed a branded and unbranded campaign to surround women in the later stages of their pregnancies with more information about labor and delivery, specifically what to expect if induction is necessary. Knowing that most moms-to-be rely heavily on advice and guidance from peers, family, and trusted influencers, we partnered with a network of authentic influencers to showcase their personal induction and birthing stories in blogs and social posts. Our client team verified that these stories were medically accurate and clear, so that their content might inspire other moms-to-be to learn more about preparing for the unexpected during labor as well as what their options were regarding cervical dilation.


The influencer stories reached more than 230,000 women during the three-month campaign; additionally, social promotion of the stories encouraged women to share their own induction stories within comments and extended the longevity of the campaign.

Nearly 50% of visitors who clicked through to the brand site from the influencer posts and blogs spent 1+ minute onsite or viewed 2+ pages–well above the benchmark of 20%.

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