Programmatic Peaks: High-Altitude Takeaways from MediaPost’s Programmatic Insider Summit in Lake Tahoe

Programmatic Peaks: High-Altitude Takeaways from MediaPost’s Programmatic Insider Summit in Lake Tahoe

The MediaPost Data & Programmatic Insider Summit brought together industry leaders to discuss the latest trends and innovations shaping the future of programmatic advertising. Butler/Till had the honor of attending and speaking at the conference, with these three themes emerging, setting the stage for the future of programmatic: 

Purpose is Fueling the Programmatic Space

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) are no longer just buzzwords; they are driving forces behind the evolution of programmatic advertising. Butler/Till’s own Programmatic Channel Director, Maggie Leathersich, led a roundtable on this topic, offering context behind our unique purpose-driven supply solution, the hurdles we experienced along the way, and our solutions to maximize spend (and client performance) with under-served publishers. 

Leaders like Melissa Bonnick of JP Morgan Chase emphasized the importance of brand safety, not just from a consumer perspective but also in how brands themselves operate.  

The integration of DEI into programmatic strategies is expanding to allow lists to include more diverse and long-tail publishers, ensuring that media spend is distributed more equitably. We recognize that authenticity is key, with efforts focused on addressing media spend biases and creating new KPIs that reflect a commitment to DEI. 

Purpose-driven programmatic isn’t just about doing good; it’s about making the entire ecosystem more resilient and effective.  

Contextual is Making a Big Comeback

Contextual targeting, often overshadowed by data-heavy behavioral methods, is making a significant comeback. As privacy regulations tighten and third-party cookies tentatively fading away, marketers are rediscovering the value of contextual advertising. 
The conference had two sessions on this exact topic, from brands (Lenovo, Discover) and agencies (RPA, Horizon Media), to ad tech partners (EXTE, Perform Media) who are leading the charge by offering contextual targeting that goes beyond keywords, utilizing code-level inputs, and creating size flexibility to enhance relevance and engagement. 

This resurgence in contextual targeting is not just about compliance; it’s about creating more meaningful connections with audiences by placing ads in environments that naturally align with their content consumption. 

AI: The Buzzword That’s Ready for Action

AI continues to dominate discussions in the programmatic space, but the message from the summit was clear: it’s time to move from talk to action. While AI remains a hot topic, the focus is shifting toward practical applications that can drive real results. 

For instance, AI-driven modeling, recommendations, and automation are being developed in-house to optimize operations and enhance targeting capabilities. However, the industry recognizes that AI should complement human expertise, not replace it. 

From quality assurance tools that reduce human error to AI-driven creative optimization, the time to experiment with AI is now. Those who start testing and implementing AI solutions today will be better positioned to lead the market tomorrow. 

The MediaPost Data & Programmatic Insider Summit underscored that the programmatic landscape is evolving rapidly. Purpose is reshaping strategies, contextual targeting is regaining prominence, and AI is transitioning from hype to actionable technology. As these trends continue to develop, staying ahead of the curve will require embracing these changes and integrating them into programmatic strategies.  

As a results-driven marketing agency for clients who value radical collaboration and purpose-fueled partnerships, we look forward to continuing our focus on these key innovations in the programmatic space for our clients. 

Want to keep the conversation going? Connect with our programmatic experts today.

Contributors: Maggie Leathersich

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